Resurva Website Service

Aug 29, 2023 | Resurva Features

Bring your shop’s real world experience online.

A solid website gives new customers a deep sense of the purpose behind your real world service experience. The intention behind what you do in real life is brought into the digital realm through a website that answers the who, what, where, when, how and, most importantly, THE WHY!

When you confirm someone’s “why?” you have an excellent opportunity to turn this new customer into a client and, in turn, an advocate. When they’re in your space, all you have to do for this first timer is give them a memorable service experience that is worth retelling. Do this and there’s a high probability they will be back – many, many times.

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But what about search engines, directories and social media? Sure, they help, but with the pressure to grow infinitely (hello tech super bubble) these platforms are enacting increasingly unfair policies on the people they profit from the most – small businesses with something special worth supporting. The goal of big tech, and their illegitimate offspring known as startups, is to anonymize everything you’ve built with your community by raising digital fences. Search engines make you pay for results, directories want other shops to poach your clients and social media wants to limit your reach to your supporters by making you pay for engagement.So when someone talks about how great your shop is, or stumbles across your website doorstep, open that door to a new supporter with a site that captures the specialness of your real world experience through a solid, personal design. A strong website hard stops all these anonymization attempts.

We’d be stoked to help you bring the great experiences you offer in the real world, online.

Before Resurva we built websites for bands (from major label releases to professional circle pit makers), community driven and culture businesses and even some huge corps. For over two decades we’ve helped to build quality websites that open digital doors and initiate personal connections. If you need a hand with your website please send us an email. We’d be stoked to help you bring the great experiences you offer in the real world, online.